No Donut For You

A billion years ago, we all wanted something and we did not know what. Then we walked in our way to technology. And here we are, a post-modern civilization and our speeches now are consequence of the discharged information downloaded. But what do we really want to do with it? Watch cable TV? Read the newspaper? Chat with friends? Check our scraps on Orkut? We want nothing but it all. And if we can do everything simultaneously, we do it.

Yes, there is too much useless information, too much porn available, too much spam, everything just one click away from you. But there are also good things about technology and specially the internet, you have a whole world at your fingertips, and a whole life to explore it. So please do not get so obsessed. Because that is the real problem here, obsession, technology will not ruin your life, but it is not as good as you think neither. So take this world wide web in front of you and think of what you can make of it.

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Liza disse...

isso era uma crítica de dois textos sobre tecnologia, internet, vida moderna etc.
como ninguém ia entender a parte em que eu realmente falo sobre os textos - e ninguém ia ler o texto inteiro mesmo (e ninguém lê isso aqui mesmo)- resolvi postar só a minha conclusão.

sim, estou com dor de cabeça demais da conta pra escrever um texto novo, bonito e em português.

espero que quem leu tenha gostado... 8)

ps: pra não dizer que não falei de flores, eu meio que recebi uma ajudinha do diego quando escrevi isso. mas a arte não é minha, nem dele. 8)
e eu não assino embaixo...